Thorvang's welcome drink with snacks 35
Beer (Grøn Tuborg, Tuborg Classic, Gammel Carlsberg) 33 cl 30
Soda 30
Water 20
Organic juice DKK 27.5 cl DKK 30
Thorsvang's wine (white, rose or red) (1/1 bottle) 170
Thorsvang's wine (white, rose or red) (glass) 35
Thorsvangs dessert wine (5 cl) 25
Thorsvangs Snaps (32%) 2 cl 20
Thorsvangs Snaps (32%) 25 cl = 12 snaps 200
Other spirits, cognac, liqueurs, etc. 2 cl 25
Coffee / tea (after lunch / dinner) per. pers. 25
Coffee / tea w / homemade cake per. pers. 60
Coffee / tea w / cheese food pr. pers. 60
Homemade petit four pr. pers. 30
Fruit platter per pers. 25
Cookies / chocolate for the party per. pers. 25
Ex: pretzel, layer cake, apple pie, chocolate cake, wales sticks and much more.
Cold cuts buffet; herring, warm liver pate, warm meatballs, cold cuts, etc. 60
Sandwich - wholemeal bread 60
Homemade Parisian Toast 60
Gl. today's steak sandwich in "soft bun" 60
Soup with wholemeal bread (from the whole cookbook - "almost") 60
Red sausages w / old-fashioned sausage bread 60
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All prices are per. person and is incl. VAT. All prices incl. candles, flowers, napkins, etc. Supplement for tablecloths
+ DKK 10, - pr. person. Contact Henrik on 40 46 91 46 or send an email to mail@thorsvangsamlermuseum.dk
(Final number will be announced no later than 3 days before the event). (We reserve the right to make menu and price changes).